Thursday, December 11, 2008
Google Resmi Bisa 'Berbahasa' Indonesia

2 Jurus Jitu Membuka Tab Firefox yang Tertutup

Namun seringkali user tanpa sengaja menutup tab browser yang sebenarnya masih ingin dijelajahi karena ada informasi penting di dalamnya yang belum dibaca, bahkan berencana untuk mem-bookmark situs tersebut.
Intel Siap Geber Teknologi 32nm
Pada kuartal keempat 2009, Intel siap memproduksi teknologi generasi masa depan dengan transistor yang lebih hemat energi, lebih padat dan dengan performa yang lebih prima.
"Kehebatan proses manufaktur dan produk yang dihasilkan membuat kami semakin jauh memimpin dalam hal kinerja komputasi dan daya tahan baterai untuk laptop berbasis Intel, server dan desktop," klaim Mark Bohr, Senior Fellow Intel & Director of Process Architecture & Integration, dalam keterangan tertulis yang dikutip detikINET, Kamis (11/12/2008).
Microsoft Tawarkan Skema Spesial untuk Warnet
Program yang merupakan bagian dari Microsoft Unlimited Potential ini diharapkan tidak hanya dapat membantu warnet dalam membangun bisnisnya, namun juga memudahkan masyarakat untuk mengakses informasi dan materi belajar komputer.
Baterai Laptop Dell Tahan 19 Jam Nonstop

Johny Dermawan, Client Business Development Manager Dell untuk South Asia, menegaskan demikian usai Dell merilis jajaran produk komputer terbarunya untuk segmen pasar korporasi, di Blitz Megaplex, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Kamis (11/12/2008).
"Kami pastikan tidak ada isu baterai yang bermasalah saat ini," tutur Johny saat berbincang dengan detikINET.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Informasi di Wikipedia Bisa Bahayakan Kesehatan
Bahkan, dilansir Reuters dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (26/11/2008), mereka yang terlalu mempercayai Wikipedia sebagai panduan dalam mengkonsumsi obat, bisa terkena risiko kesehatan. Itulah yang terungkap dalam studi Dr Kevin Clauson, akademisi Nova Southeastern University, Amerika Serikat.
Software Lokal Kurangi 'Bocor' Pelabuhan

Software yang dikembangkan oleh PT Dycode Cominfotech Development ini diyakini bisa memberikan solusi terintegrasi bagi konsumen dan pengelola pelabuhan. Bahkan diharapkan piranti lunak ini bisa mengintegrasikan semua pelabuhan di Indonesia dalam satu sistem.
"Ini adalah solusi bagi manajemen pelabuhan yang terintegrasi. Harapannya Portmap akan mengintegrasikan semua pelabuhan yang ada di Indonesia. Tapi setidaknya dengan adanya Portmap, aktifitas di pelabuhan bisa semakin efektif dan efisien serta dapat langsung dikontrol," ujar President Director & CEO PT Dycode Cominfotech Development Andri Yadi, dalam peluncuran software itu di Viena Resto & Lounge, Jalan Sukajadi No 205, Bandung, Rabu (26/11/2008).
Menurut Andri, Portmap juga bersifat transparan. "Karena web-based application, maka tiap orang dapat mengendalikannya melalui SMS ataupun internet. Misalnya ada satu kapal yang mau berlabuh di Batam, ya tinggal masuk ke satu pelabuhan saja. Tidak perlu mendaftar lagi ataupun mengurus di pelabuhan yang lain. Cukup satu pelabuhan untuk semuanya," terang Andri.
Pangkas Meja
Kepala Bidang Komersil, Kantor Pelabuhan Batam, Heri Kafianto, pun mengakui Portmap bisa membantu pihak pelabuhan memangkas meja birokrasi. "Ya ada 4 meja lah yang bisa dipangkas," kata Heri.
Selama ini, tambah Heri, kekurangan dari sistem yang ada adalah harus bertemu antara konsumen dan operator. "Kalau pakai Portmap, sudah tidak ada lagi kata belum afdol kalau belum bertemu," kata Heri.
Dari sisi harga, Andri mengaku belum melakukan hitung-hitungan. "Kita belum bisa mengatakan sekarang berapa harganya. Karena kita belum mengkalkulasi," pungkas Andri.
Saat ini, Portmap telah diujicoba di Batam sejak bulan Agustus 2008. Software ini dikembangkan dari tools Microsoft seperti Microsoft.Net Framework 3.5 dan Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
PT Dycode Cominfotech Development merupakan perusahaan lokal Bandung yang bergerak di bidang piranti lunak. Selain Portmap, Dycode juga telah beberapa kali memproduksi software untuk keperluan bisnis. Aplikasi Portmap merupakan salah satu pemenang Kompetisi iMulai.
Dikutip dari : http://www.detikinet.com
Indosat Cari Daerah Kaya Angin

Dikatakan Division Head Public Relations Indosat Adita Irawati, BTS alternatif ini membutuhkan tenaga angin dan matahari untuk dioperasikan. Masalahnya, tak semua wilayah di Indonesia memiliki terpaan angin yang kencang.
Kedua sumber daya alam tersebut -- angin dan matahari -- memang digunakan secara bergantian untuk 'menghidupi' BTS alternatif ini. "Kalau untuk siang mungkin bisa menggunakan matahari, tetapi kalau malam, itu kan butuh tenaga angin," ujarnya di sela peresmian kantor regional Indosat di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Rabu (26/11/2008) petang.
Indosat sendiri, telah menargetkan bakal membangun 50 BTS alternatif di sisa tahun 2008 ini. Sebelumnya, mereka telah melakukan observasi terhadap beberapa daerah di tanah air yang berpotensi memiliki SDA angin yang berlimpah.
Daerah tersebut antara lain berada di sepanjang selatan wilayah Indonesia seperti Bali dan Lombok, serta di utara Sulawesi, Manado. Sementara wilayah Pulau Jawa dinilai tidak layak karena wilayahnya kurang terbuka.
Bersama Lembaga Elektronika Nasional (LEN) dan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indosat sebelumnya juga telah melakukan ujicoba BTS alternatif ini di Bali dan Lombok.
Dalam tiga bulan pengujian tersebut, penggunaan energi listrik yang bisa dihemat dikatakan bisa mencapai 80%, sedangkan emisi gas karbon CO2 yang dapat diminimalisasi mencapai 2,4 ton.
Namun memang, untuk membuat BTS ini Indosat harus merogoh koceknya lebih dalam, yakni Rp 1 miliar untuk satu BTS. "Tapi kita optimistis BTS tersebut dapat memberikan manfaat jangka panjang, karena kita juga tak bisa terus menerus mengandalkan pasokan listrik PLN," tukas Adita.
Dikutip dari : http://www.detikinet.com
Telkomsel-XL Akhirnya Berdamai

Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika (Depkominfo) melalui Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesai (BRTI) mencoba melakukan mediasi dengan memanggil kedua operator tersebut.
Pertemuan dipimpin langsung oleh Koesmiharihati, anggota Komite Regulasi Telekomunikasi (KRT) BRTI. Hadir dari pihak XL Direktur Utama Excelcomindo Pratama Hasnul Suhaimi, sedangkan Telkomsel diwakili Direktur Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Syarif Syarial Ahmad.
BRTI meminta kedua pihak untuk menyampaikan penjelasan sesuai versi masing-masing. Berdasarkan laporan, terungkap bahwa kejadian konfrontatif seperti itu sudah sering terjadi di lapangan, namun langsung dapat diselesaikan oleh internal kedua belah pihak.
Kepala Pusat Informasi dan Humas Depkominfo, Gatot S. Dewa Broto, yang juga turut hadir dalam mediasi, dalam keterangan resminya, Rabu (26/11/2008) mengatakan bahwa secara keseluruhan pertemuan berlangsung lancar.
"Pertemuan berlangsung lancar, kooperatif, kritis dan terbuka untuk saling mengungkapkan keluhan satu sama lain tanpa ada nuansa emosional," ujar Gatot.
Kedua operator ini pun mencapai kata sepakat untuk menandatangani draft yang tertuang dalam 'terminologi penyelenggara telekomunikasi', yang isinya adalah sebagai berikut:
- BRTI dan masing-masing penyelenggara telekomunikasi merasa prihatin dengan apa yang terjadi di lapangan terhadap friksi pemasangan branding dan para pihak merasa kecewa bahwa kasus ini keluar sebelum dilaporkan ke BRTI.
- Masing-masing penyelenggara telekomunikasi akan melaksanakan upaya-upaya untuk meredam peristiwa yang telah terjadi.
- Akan dilakukan koordinasi level pimpinan penyelenggara telekomunikasi dalam penetapan etika dalam pemasangan branding. Masing-masing pimpinan penyelenggara telekomunikasi sepakat akan melakukan sosialisasi tentang etika promosi ke karyawan masing-masing dan para branding vendor.
- Penyelenggara telekomunikasi akan mereview kembali kontrak dengan vendor branding mengenai KPI yang ditentukan sehingga tidak menimbulkan usaha-usaha untuk melaksanakan promosi secara tidak sehat.
- Penyelenggara telekomunikasi akan memberi sanksi kepada karyawan dan vendor yang melaksanakan tindakan-tindakan yang melanggar etika bersama.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
How Do I Know If My PC Is Infected With Spyware or Adware
Many people that are new to the Internet world are nervous about the potential of viruses, Spyware or Adware that can harm their computer, affect performance or make their very private information public to others.
Spyware programs can do a number of damaging things to your personal computer. Spyware infects your pc and hides in the background and can do many nasty things to the performance of your system. It can also do harmful things to you such as send out your personal information, your every keystroke and photo that resides on your hard drive, watch your surfing habits and shopping habits and annoy you with annoying pop-ups filled with advertisements and even pornography.
If you are experiencing any unusual changes in your computer's performance or have any unusual new pop-ups, changes to your toolbars or new icons on your desktop, you should run a system scan to find out if you have Spyware. Products exist on the market to help you combat this problem. Be sure to install software that you know is credible. Downloading freeware can often result in further Spyware existing on your computer. Spyware, Adware and Malware companies frequently fool users into sending pop-ups telling them that there's a problem with their computer and this in fact is further spyware. These errors can open your system up to future further problems by fooling people into thinking they're downloading fixes when really further spyware is being downloaded.
Watch your system's performance and at the sign of any unusual activity, realize that you are probably infected. Do something as soon as possible to protect your privacy. These programs don't discriminate and can launch themselves when you or your family members sit in front of the computer. Pornographic pop-ups can turn up whether it's an adult or a child using the computer. Protect your pc.
Antivirus alone isn't enough to combat this problem. Spyware sneaks into your system via executable files that you don't need to do anything to launch. They can sneak in as attachments that you download or by many other means. They're harmful and annoying but you can protect your computer and your privacy with the right software. This software needs to have an auto update for spyware definitions as new spyware definitions are being added daily. So a spyware removal program is a great compliment to your existing anti-virus software.
Total Innovations, Inc. specializes in developing award winning software programs designed to solve computer users needs. The spyware removal software, http://www.emailspy.com & http://www.folderhider.com are a few of the most recent. See full details at: http://www.spyblaster.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Buzz_Scott
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thanks, Google: Mozilla revenue hits $75 million

The Mozilla Foundation pulled in $75 million in revenue in 2007, the "vast majority" of it from a search partnership with Google, the Firefox backer plans to announce Wednesday.
"Mozilla is well positioned to remain vital and effective during the current difficult economic times," according to Mozilla Chairman Mitchell Baker in a blog post about the foundation's 2007 results. The revenue includes that of both the foundation and its for-profit subsidiary, Mozilla Corp., that's focused on developing Firefox and related open-source browser technology.
The revenue increased about 12 percent from 2006, when Mozilla garnered $66.8 million in revenue. Its 2007 expenses were $33 million, a 68 percent increase over 2006. About 80 percent of that money was spent on Mozilla's 150 employees.
Mozilla Foundation Chairman
Mitchell Baker
However, the foundation also said the U.S. Internal Revenue Service is scrutinizing how the foundation treated the revenue it received from Google. Baker put it this way:
In 2005 the Mozilla Foundation established a "tax reserve fund" for a portion of the revenue the foundation received that year from Google. We did this in case the IRS decided to review the tax status of these funds. This turns out to have been beneficial, as the IRS has decided to review this issue and the Mozilla Foundation. We are early in the process and do not yet have a good feel for how long this will take or the overall scope of what will be involved.
Mozilla features Google prominently in two ways: a default start page with a Google search box, and a search bar in the upper right corner of the Firefox interface. Users can configure the search bar to use search from a variety of others, too. Baker said Yahoo and Amazon.com provided a smaller quantity of extra revenue, but Google accounted for 88 percent of the foundation's money.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Backup and Restore Gmail with Gmail Backup

For the purposes of backup, such as the Thunderbird mail client or Microsoft Outlook can also be used to retrieve emails that are stored in Gmail to read and then when offline. Advantages of Gmail is the backup facilities to merestore, namely to restore the emails to the results of the backup Gmail account from either the same or different Gmail account. So, if you change your Gmail account, Gmail can be used as a backup media transfer from the old account to your new account, although not directly.
To use Gmail Backup, first must enable IMAP Gmail settings through the menu, because Gmail Backup utilize this protocol to download and upload email.

Emails that the results of the backup is saved in the file berekstensi EML will also include attachments that may exist. For users of Windows, these files can generally be read through Windows Live Mail, Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express.
PCMAV 1.9 - Antivirus from Indonesia
Has been re-published magazine PC Media. In this edition 12/2008, re-released PC Media Antivirus version 1.9. PCMAV this time able to recognize and overcome the 2254 virus and its variants are many reported and spread widely in Indonesia.
* Added, the user database and cleaning the virus 95 local / foreign / new variants of the reported spread in Indonesia. Total 2254 virus and its variants, which many have been circulating in Indonesia is known in version 1.9 by the engine's internal PCMAV.
* Added, a special cleaner for the virus Bungas.vbs.
* In this, error detection (false alarms) heuristik on several programs and scripts.
* Updated, change the name of the new variants of the virus were found.
* Fixes some minor bugs and improvisation internal code to ensure that PCMAV Cleaner & PCMAV RealTime Protector more than just a normal antivirus software.
Google’s video chat plugin - a big deal for RIA developers
A couple of days ago Google released a video chat plugin for Gmail. With Google, it’s always a little hard to figure out where all of the pieces fit - that’s why there are entire blogs dedicated to the company - but in this case, I think this seemingly innocuous Gmail feature hints at something bigger.
As I mentioned on RIA Weekly, I think there are a couple of core components to RIAs. One is a much improved graphical user interface and layout mechanism. This is part of the appeal behind technologies like Flex and XAML - they’ve got a robust set of components and it’s very easy to get pixel perfect layout. They also support vector graphics, another benefit of that increased rendering capability. The other is video and multimedia. Canvas kind of enables the first case on the HTML side, something Google could get behind. But video is tougher. Now Google has that piece. And as Dion notes, it’s not like they don’t have a way to deploy this in a wider, developer-friendly way.
The technology behind it seems a little ambiguous. They’re supposedly using some technology from Vidyo and they rely on the Flash Player for something whether that’s some behind-the-scenes communication or webcam support, I have no idea. But I’ve also heard rumblings that parts of this could be contributed back to the open source community. That would make it an interesting play for the HTML5 video tag.
So this is a big deal and it’s something to keep an eye on. Google has never been associated with the “rich” in rich Internet application, but that could start to change.
Apple fixes 12 Safari security flaws

Apple has release Safari 3.2 to fix at least a dozen security flaws, some very serious.
The update, available for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Mac OS X (Tiger and Leopard), address vulnerabilities that could be exploited to take full control of a compromised machine.
Some of the more serious flaws:
CVE-2008-1767: A heap buffer overflow issue exists in the libxslt library. Viewing a maliciously crafted HTML page may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution. Further information on the patch applied is available via
CVE-2008-3623: A heap buffer overflow exists in CoreGraphics’ handling of color spaces. Viewing a maliciously crafted image may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution.
CVE-2008-2327: Multiple uninitialized memory access issues exist in libTIFF’s handling of LZW-encoded TIFF images. Viewing a maliciously crafted TIFF image may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution.
CVE-2008-2332: A memory corruption issue exits in ImageIO’s handling of TIFF images. Viewing a maliciously crafted TIFF image may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution.
CVE-2008-3642: A buffer overflow exists in the handling of images with an embedded ICC profile. Opening a maliciously crafted image with an embedded ICC profile may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution.
Three of the 12 issues were found and fixed in WebKit, the open-source Web browser engine.
Safari 3.2 should be treated as an “highly critical” update. End users should apply this patch immediately.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Growing Demand for IPTV
Figure 1 — Forecast of global IPTV subscribers | Figure 2 — Forecast of global IPTV service revenues |

IPTV: New Challenges for Regulators

Broadcasting or telecommunications?
Broadcasting and telecommunications are converging, but to which of these does IPTV belong? Various approaches have been taken to this question, ranging from simply not classifying IPTV, to defining it as a regulated broadcasting service. Or, some services offered over IPTV platforms are seen as broadcasting, but not others.
In the United States, for example, IPTV has yet to be classified, although the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has addressed barriers to its deployment. A technology-neutral approach has been adopted by countries such as Canada, where IPTV is seen as a broadcast distribution technology for television programming, and companies are licensed accordingly. In Singapore, “broadcasting” includes the IP transmission of any television programmes — scheduled channels or video on demand (VoD). The Republic of Korea classifies IPTV as an “Internet multimedia broadcasting” service.
Some jurisdictions base their regulatory classification of IPTV services on how much interactivity they allow. For instance, New Zealand and countries in the European Union differentiate between transmissions at a scheduled time (subject to broadcasting and content regulations), and VoD that the user can select and view whenever desired (wholly or partially exempt from regulation).
Most operators of third-generation (3G) mobile services offer VoD or streaming video. Regulators have only recently begun to consider the regulatory classification of these services, which also use the Internet. Some countries classify mobile television as an information service, while others regulate it as broadcasting.
Regulating content
Countries have various regimes for regulating the content of video transmissions. Restrictions might apply only to free, over-the-air broadcasts, or only to subscription television services. Alternatively, specific content regulations may be developed for different types of operator.
In certain jurisdictions (such as Singapore) IPTV must obey the content regulations imposed on subscription television. In many European countries, IPTV operators using fixed networks are subject to “must-carry” rules that oblige cable or satellite operators to rebroadcast the signals of local over-the-air television stations. As in the EU, the regulator in India says that telecommunication providers offering IPTV services should not be subject to regulation for unaltered content obtained from television broadcasters. However, IPTV providers should follow the programme and advertising codes that govern cable television networks.
Licensing issues
Who provides IPTV?
As well as mobile phone companies, telecommunication providers — such as France Telecom, Telefónica in Spain, AT&T and Verizon in the United States, and PCCW in Hong Kong, China — are offering IPTV over their copper asymmetric digital subscriber lines (ADSL) or, increasingly, fibre-optic networks. Newcomers, including Fastweb in Italy and Hanaro in the Republic of Korea, may offer IPTV as part of a basic ADSL subscription. Cable and satellite companies also offer IPTV, while equipment manufacturers are introducing IPTV into their set-top boxes in combination with digital cable, terrestrial, or satellite access. In addition, some firms that offer subscription television channels are combining IPTV with existing packages to offer enhanced functionality, such as on-demand content.
There is also a variety of approaches towards the licensing of IPTV. European countries, for example, take a technology-neutral approach that considers any television service, provided over any platform, to be broadcasting. Canada says a broadcasting licence is needed for any television service (including VoD) that is provided over a managed IP network.
In some countries, such as the Republic of Korea, new licences have been developed for IPTV services. In Pakistan, IPTV providers must not only obtain a licence for an IPTV channel distribution service, they must also hold a fixed local loop licence for the same coverage area. In Singapore, all companies wanting to offer any form of subscription television require a licence. This includes IPTV (scheduled channels or VoD) sent to households via broadband.
In Hong Kong, China, IPTV providers must obtain a licence for providing domestic subscription television. However, as in Pakistan, these are only granted if the operator already holds a fixed network licence. In India, the regulator says that telecommunication operators and cable operators offering IPTV should be licensed according to the separate legislation that applies to their fields.
Network unbundling
In order to promote competition, several countries have required the unbundling of local loops, including all members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), except Mexico, and many developing countries. Where IPTV already has a high market penetration (such as in France, Italy and Spain), unbundling has been a key factor allowing new entrants to develop competing offers and increase the spread of IPTV.
As incumbents build upgraded next-generation networks, regulators are considering whether to modify unbundling rules so as to avoid disrupting the incumbents’ broadband Internet and IPTV services. Among the issues being considered is the feasibility of unbundling the last mile of fibre-optic networks, and whether to introduce access obligations for additional local-loop elements.
Clarity is required
For regulators, there is no right or wrong approach. What is important is to give IPTV service providers certainty about how they will be regulated. It is also important to minimize jurisdictional debates among government agencies, as well as regulatory hurdles and licensing requirements that delay the deployment of new services that hold such potential benefits for consumers.
Who provides IPTV?
As well as mobile phone companies, telecommunication providers — such as France Telecom, Telefónica in Spain, AT&T and Verizon in the United States, and PCCW in Hong Kong, China — are offering IPTV over their copper asymmetric digital subscriber lines (ADSL) or, increasingly, fibre-optic networks. Newcomers, including Fastweb in Italy and Hanaro in the Republic of Korea, may offer IPTV as part of a basic ADSL subscription. Cable and satellite companies also offer IPTV, while equipment manufacturers are introducing IPTV into their set-top boxes in combination with digital cable, terrestrial, or satellite access. In addition, some firms that offer subscription television channels are combining IPTV with existing packages to offer enhanced functionality, such as on-demand content.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tool to Crack Wi-Fi's WPA Will Appear Next Week
Two researchers from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, have discovered a method of bypassing the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) encryption used by many wireless routers.
The exploit takes advantage of a weakness on networks that use WPA with TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol, a security algorithm based on key switching that is used to strengthen the WPA encryption) by circumventing the algorithm that encrypts the Wi-Fi data packets. Researchers Erik Tews and Martin Beck, who are members of the ethical hacking group known as Aircrack-ng, have not only discovered how to bypass WPA, they've also created a tool to do so. They plan to release the tool at the PacSec conference next week in Tokyo, Japan, Aircrack-ng member Rick Farina confirmed to PC Magazine on Friday.
With the exploit tool in hand, hackers will be able break into networks that have WPA with TKIP encryption. TKIP is a predecessor of AES and was developed to overcome the flaw with WEP [Wired Equivalent Private] security. WPA is essentially WEP with a couple of fixes. The TKIP algorithm rotates keys between clients and access points after enough packets pass between them. By default, most routers on the market change the keys every couple of hours. The exploit takes advantage of this data flowing to and from access points and masquerades its packets by inserting its own and passing them to clients. The packet insertion bypasses the countermeasures used by routers can catch the malicious activity. From a computer's point of view, the data packets appear to belong to a legitimate access point. According to Farina, just seven packets are needed to gain access to a computer.
Researchers found it even easier to gain access to wireless networks that are using QoS [Quality of Service]. Networks that mix data and voice packets often rely on QoS to prioritize the voice data. However, data packets with QoS are rearranged in sequential order so that they travel faster and are received efficiently. The protection algorithm used by TKIP was relaxed to allow for QoS.
As the exploit tool gains access to a computer, hackers can easily inject new packets and install and execute tools such as Metasploit that can give them permanent access. Metasploit is a large toolkit for testing exploits and it uses well known exploits in its arsenal. Rick said, "With 2 or 3 packets you can fit most tools in the Metasploit toolkit," Farina said.
Because the exploit is specific, users simply need to change the WPA encryption to work with AES or change it to the much more hardened WPA2. If your router doesn't support WPA2, the best course of action is to shorten the timing of the TKIP in the routers, so that keys are refreshed every two minutes or less. The fast refresh makes it harder but not impossible for hackers to gain access. The best course of action, however, is to buy a new router that supports WPA2.